What a Friend

We met in Junior High School.

Recently, I had a pity-party, lamenting that too few of my “friends” reach out to me – a call, a text, an email, a letter – with a simple “Hi.” Why must I always initiate contact? Why can’t they reach out to me for a change? Why can’t they check on me once in a while? As with any pity-party, I exaggerated my woes to hyperbolic proportions. I was the good friend, and everyone else should follow my example. Why can’t my friends be a friend to me?* Yes, I was wallowing in self-pity and self-delusion.

Then God smacked me upside my head and said, “What kind of friend are you to Me?”

Oops. The pity-party abruptly ended, followed by silence. Contrition. Backpedaling: “See, what I had meant was….”

Once again God had to use a sledgehammer to get my attention, reminding me of a basic truth. How can I complain about the actions of someone else without taking stock of myself? I am reminded that an issue I complain about in others is probably an issue that I need to examine in myself. (see Hard-Hearted)

What had I done recently to connect with God? When was the last time I had reached out? Yes, I mumble grace over my double cheeseburger combo with chocolate milkshake, but am I really connecting with God? Does my murmured “Thank you God” when the police car races pass me (even though I was speeding) honor Him?** When I see a beauty in nature, do I stop and consider the magnificence of God? Do I skim the “verse of the day” or rush through the daily meditation and think I have fulfilled an obligation to God? Do I just assume that God knows I am His friend and am thinking about Him?

My relationship with God cannot be a “drive-by” friendship. Hey God. You know I know you and love you. TTYL. My friendship with God is not a to-do item to check off my list before I go about my day’s activities. My friendship with God cannot be an obligatory duty that I have to get through.

Establishing and maintaining any friendship, with those here and with God, requires my willingness and desire to connect. Requires my dedication. Requires my devotion. Sometimes, it might be several weeks before I contact or hear from a friend. As we tend to say, “Life gets in the way.” But am I willing to go weeks without reaching out to God? Is He not the source of life and light? Shouldn’t I reach out constantly and consistently?

I am glad that getting in touch with God is simpler than reaching my earthly friends. I do not need technology – email, text, or phone – to do so. A simple, “God, can we talk now?” can start the conversation anywhere. And, unlike friends on earth, God is always available; no appointment is necessary. I can have that conversation any time. That, in and of itself, is a blessing. What I do need to do is dedicate time and space to this friendship. I do need to communicate with intention and attention. This friendship deserves all of my heart, soul, and mind.

In my journal, I have several Scriptures that help me maintain my friendship with God.

  • Be still. Psalm 37:7
  • Set my mind on heaven. Colossians 3:2
  • Call upon Him. Jeremiah 29:12-13
  • Be assured He is listening. Psalm 116:2
  • Be constant and consistent. Luke 18:1-8
  • Know He wants me to come to Him. Philippians 4:6-7

Now whenever I feel myself slipping into that particular pity-party, I contact a friend. I must be a friend to have a friend. More importantly, I look at what I have done to connect with God. I must maintain that friendship! He is a friend to me; I must be a friend to Him.

Reflect: Do you treat God as your good friend? How do you maintain your friendship with Him? Do you take time to be a friend with Him? When you communicate with God is it with intention?

(*Note: If any of my friends read this, I was not talking about you.)

(**Note: Please continue with your grace. Please continue saying “Thank you” for small blessings or acts of mercy. Just do so with intention and attention to the what and why of your actions.)


  1. William Davis

    I KNEW you were NOT talking about me… SMILE
    You got a minute?

  2. Regina Forrest

    Thank you for this Sabrina. It resonates within me today. What kind of friend am I to God? I will be more intentional in my time with him.

  3. Charlotte Jones

    Thank you Sabrina. Looking forward to following your blog.

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