Would You If You Knew

I recently had a conversation with a friend about her son. After months of anguish, prayer, and much planning, her son’s efforts for his family finally met with success. But with the joy of success came the weightiness of new responsibilities his success generated. I responded that if we fully knew the outcomes and consequences of our choices, we might not ever do anything. If we knew what lay on the other side, would we move forward? If I had known this new job would mean working with a micromanager would I have applied? If I had known buying a house would mean being responsible for so many unforeseen repairs placing a strain on my budget, would I have sought home ownership? I could go on. In theory, we kinda know what to expect, but not really.

As I thought about this conversation, it suddenly struck me that Jesus knew. AHA-What I knew in theory suddenly became a realization. (Sometimes it takes a minute before the obvious sinks in.) The song Mary, Did You Know ponders if Mary knew what her baby boy’s life would do for the world. His mother might not have known, but
                                                                        J E S U S  K N E W!
He knew what would happen. Jesus made every choice knowing…KNOWING…His future was the cross. Just stop and consider that. Would you if you knew?

Jesus did His Father’s work, offering salvation to Jew and gentile, slave and free, male and female, fully aware His teaching would condemn Him to Golgotha. Jesus knew He would be tried in a kangaroo court, yet He preached love and forgiveness throughout His life. Jesus knew His friends would desert him, but He loved them anyway. Jesus knew of the betrayal to come, yet He broke bread with His betrayer anyway. Jesus knew He would suffer for the sins of all mankind. In the vernacular, He took our slack. Could I do it? It was hard enough when I was pledging a sorority to “take my line sister’s slack,” standing in the gap if she faltered. But, Jesus willingly stepped in and took on all our sins. HE KNEW!a Jesus knew and made the choice anyway to stand in the gap for you and me!

But “that’s not how the story ends, three days later He rose again! That’s love.b You see, Jesus knew not only of the sufferings He would endure, but also of the glory He would receive. Jesus knew that He would have the victory. Jesus knew He would ascend and sit on the right hand of God.c Jesus knew all and still did it. Because He followed His Father’s will, I can approach the throne of the Almighty God. Jesus knew that His victory would be my victory.

Prayer: Dear Almighty God, thank you for caring enough to want to save me. Thank you, Jesus, for caring enough to move forward even when You knew what awaited You. Thank you for the ultimate victory of saving grace and everlasting life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

a Matthew 16:21, 17:22
b Lyrics from There is No Greater Love – Gospel Music Workshop of America (GMWA)
c Luke 22:69

Note: This was blog was initially published three months ago on January 9, 2021. Yet as I sit with devotions during Holy Week 2021, it dawned on me that this blog is the story of the passion of Christ. I revisited “Would You If You Knew” on April 2, 2021, also known as “Good Friday,” and tweaked it.



    Great read! Makes you really think about choices and all that comes with them. However, you have to have faith! Right

  2. Vida Gibson

    Beautiful. Jesus paid it ALL and ALL to Him I owe. I thank Him everyday. If He hadn’t died for us where would we be?

    • Bri

      The old hymns are the best.

  3. Regina Forrest

    Oh what LOVE HE had for me! Great read! Choices!!!
    Thank you.

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