First Person With God

I am who I am - Exodus 3:14

My favorite Bible verse is Exodus 3:14:

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.  This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” (NIV)

God instructed Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Here is a man who questioned his own ability. Moses acknowledged his shortcomings; he did not believe he had the words or status to convince a nation to move.  He questioned his authority with this nation. Why should they listen to him? God responded: Because I AM sent him to the Israelites.

When you introduce yourself to someone new, how often do you say, “Hello.  I am {insert your name}.” This introduction typically provides the listener with just your name. It generally does not convey to the listener who you are. However, when God instructed Moses to tell the people “I AM WHO I AM,” He provided Moses with more than a nom de plume.

In those five words – I AM WHO I AM – we have the power, enigma, completeness, and sovereignty of God. Think how confident you would have to be to introduce yourself as “I am who I am.” Those five words directly from God proclaims who God was, is, and will be. I AM WHO I AM provided Moses with a firsthand introduction to start the task

I AM is the personal description of who God is in my life. Throughout the Bible, I find descriptions of who God is. By substituting I AM for “God is” in those descriptions, I move from a third-person, abstract relationship with God to a first-person, intimate relationship. Instead of someone telling me who God is, I have God telling me personally who He is and what He will do in my life.  

Reflection:  What can you do to personalize your relationship with God?

first published by me 5/13/2020