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As a teacher and trainer, I live for those moments when my learners “get it”…that moment when they understand whatever I’m explaining; when the lightbulb clicks on in their brains and the concept is illuminated; when the theoretical becomes the practical; when they say “AHA!” I can literally see it happen, and I feel fulfilled in the job I am doing.

As a learner, I live for those same AHA moments. An AHA moment inspires confidence in what I am doing. It encourages me to continue learning and explore further. As I continue in my Bible study, growing in my relationship with God, I revel in the AHA. It means that the Scripture has become real in my daily walk with Jesus. More importantly, it means God is indwelling in me. It is an occasion when “the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me.” (Ezekiel 2:2*) Admittedly, it does not happen every time I read or study, but when it does, I am excited that I finally get it; I have my AHA. Even when that AHA reveals something difficult to accept, I feel blessedly happy that the Holy Spirit gave me discernment.

Recently I was journaling about a prayer being answered. I had lamented about my feeling of helplessness and frustration during the Black Lives Matter movement. Later that day I received the BLACKOUT call-to-action plan. I immediately began sending that plan to others. In my journal, I wrote “It’s a small act [forwarding the plan], but spreading the word increases the likelihood of success.” As soon as I wrote “spreading the word,” the lightbulb in my brain clicked on. I had an AHA moment. SPREADING THE WORD. I am supposed to spread the Word. God has called me, you, all of us to spread the word. 1 Timothy 4:2 instructs me to “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.”  Psalm 96:2-3 poetically urges me to “Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Suddenly those Scriptures took on a different meaning in my life. It was the moment that a theological concept I have read in the Bible and heard from the pulpit for years became a real and practical aspect in my life. You might roll your eyes and say that was so obvious, but each person’s AHA moment is personal to them in their spiritual growth with God.

I want more AHA moments with God, specifically as it relates to understanding God’s Word. More importantly, I want more AHA moments that show me how to apply God’s Word in my life. Do you? How can we ensure we get those AHA moments with God? Here are my thoughts on increasing the likelihood of an AHA with God.

  • Be inviting. Make sure you have invited the Holy Spirit to be with you during your meditation, Bible study, and Scripture engagement. It is the Holy Spirit that provides discernment.
  • Be patient. You may have heard the phrase “God’s time.” The AHA moment happens when it happens, in God’s time. God knows when you are ready to receive the AHA. Becoming frustrated only allows Satan to whisper in your ear the lie that God is not present in your life.
  • Be open. The AHA can come in many forms. It could happen while you are writing. Or, when you are talking with a friend. Or, during prayer. Or, as you daydream. Or, while gardening. Or…you get the idea. Be present to your world.
  • Be accepting. Not all AHA moments are happy, atta-girl messages. Sometimes that AHA is a truth you did not want to hear. It might be the hard reality to move you in the direction God wants you. When you receive that AHA, you may need to ask God for help in moving forward.
  • Be thankful. Give thanks for the eye-opening knowledge you received regardless of the type of lesson. Give thanks that God is present in your life. Give thanks that God wants to continue the relationship with you.

Reflection:  Has there been a time when you have had an AHA moment with God? Did you accept or fight the knowledge you received? As you continue your study of God’s Word, are you willing to accept God’s AHA moment when it comes?

*Unless otherwise stated, all Scriptural references are from the NIV Bible.

originally posted June 20, 2020