Every Day is Monday

mug with the inscription "Hello Monday. Let's do this."

I had several appointments that day, so I had to skip my fitness routine. The next day an unexpected incident caused me to forego another day of fitness. Somehow, two days missed became four days. “This week is shot. I’ll just start again on Monday,” I thought.

How often has one event or decision derailed or interrupted your journey? It might be your wellness journey, as it was with me. Or your healthy eating journey. Those oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream taste so good. Or your financial stability journey. Oye vey. I just spent a lot on that grade A eiderdown comforter. Or your spiritual life journey. I have missed two worship experiences/Bible studies already. I’m too embarrassed to go back now. Or whatever journey leads toward your goal. Fortunately, my conscience, the Holy Spirit within, convicts me. I acknowledge the errant detour. However, I decide to wait until Monday—the start of the week—to get back on the right path of my journey. Thus, while I may not continue on the same wrong path, I delay my return to the right one. Yep, even when the Holy Spirit convicts, Satan still whispers.

What is it about Monday that makes us want to wait until then to “get right”? I profess that I do not know the psychology behind it (please share if you do); I do know that with God every day can be my reboot Monday. With God as my guide, I do not need to wait for the perfect day or time or moment to “get right.” Each morning God has created the opportunity for me to experience His greatness, goodness, and mercy. God allows me to restart any and every day.

  • “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24 NRSVUE) Instead of floundering in self-pity or self-condemnation because my actions disrupted my journey, I can give praise that a new day—a new Monday—allows me to reboot.
  • “Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19 NRSVUE) Yesterday’s actions that interrupted my journey are over. Coming to God with my contrite and submissive heart fosters the relationship that God will point me in the right direction. It is time to move forward on this new Monday with new hope and energy.
  • “Do not, therefore, abandon that boldness of yours; it brings a great reward. For you need endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what was promised.” (Hebrews 10:35-36 NRSVUE) The apostle Paul was encouraging those new to the salvation of Jesus to remain bold in their faith despite obstacles and persecution. For me on my journey, this emboldens me to restart on “Monday” even when I am derailed by obstacles.

If I skip a workout on Tuesday, then the next day is Monday regardless of what the calendar shows; I can restart my fitness journey. If I overindulge in cookies and ice cream on Thursday, then the next day is Monday to reboot my nutrition journey. If, on Black Friday, I overspend, then the next day is Monday to get back on my budget path. If I miss Sunday worship, then the next day is Monday (figuratively and literally); I can find a service online.

I will not, cannot, remain on the errant path that takes me away from my journey’s goal. I will not, cannot, wait for the calendar Monday to “get right.” Every morning I wake up is a gift from God to renew and refresh. Any day can be my Monday to reboot.

Reflection: What are you deferring until Monday to start? Why? Today can be that Monday.


  1. Fleta

    This came at such a perfect time. I had just allowed myself to delay restarting something until next month since this month was so close to over! I am changing the date on my calendar to 01OCT for tomorrow!

    • Bri

      Hi Fleta. Glad to know that you were inspired to reboot immediately.

  2. WDD

    When I retired, my then Deputy Assistant Program Manager told me that I now only have two days of the week. I looked at him with curiosity and he stated that I now have 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday, which turns out to be very true for addressing tasks and projects. Taking a page from that book, I now have 365 birthdays, Mother’s Days and so forth each year. Therefore each day can be what you want it to be. Here Here for a new Monday on any day of the week.

  3. JSC

    Love this blog! Celebrate each day!

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