What About You?

As the choir and congregation sing the song, "Somebody Prayed for Me," the lead singer will substitute “somebody” with a specific person, such as grandmother, the preacher, or my mother.…


I participated in a 7-day cleanse[1], which included fasting from media between 5 p.m.-9 a.m. That was 16 hours without email, radio, television, news, music, phone calls, or texts (barring…

The Light

Matthew 5:16 was my morning prayer on one of the final days of my trip. Inherent in that prayer was that God found me worthy enough to be that light.…

In My Present

The verse of the day was Psalm 25:14-15. I kinda knew the context but decided to read the entire chapter for certainty. Verse 1 stopped me: "To you, O Lord,…

Every Day is Monday

I had several appointments that day, so I had to skip my fitness routine. The next day an unexpected incident caused me to forego another day of fitness. Somehow, two…

Truncating God’s Word

As I read devotions or the “verse of the day,” I often record a scripture in my Favorite Scriptures file when that scripture resonates with me. Recently, when reading the…


The quickest way to lose my respect, and possibly my friendship, is to act, usually selfishly, and then say, “It was easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.” When Admiral…