Me Prayer

In my social media pages and email groups, I often receive requests for prayer. Someone needs healing. Someone needs a miracle. Someone needs a touch from God. Someone needs something…
my sticky note with Proverbs 16:3

Taming the Dog

Last night I had a nightmare: a big, black, mastiff-like dog was snarling and growling at me. It was intimidating me, you know, like the thug who “gets all up…
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Right Prayer

I am a procedural person. I like checklists, flowcharts, tables, standard operating procedures (SOP), outlines, formulae. I like order. I like knowing that there is a plan in place to make the process…
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As a teacher and trainer, I live for those moments when my learners “get it”…that moment when they understand whatever I’m explaining; when the lightbulb clicks on in their brains…

When You Have No Words

Here’s my daughter’s improv dance expressing her feelings about the injustices occurring in this country. (song Strange Fruit sung by Nina Simone) "I haven't quite found the words to…


The recent events in the United States remind me of the Exodus. God told Moses that He would harden Pharaoh’s heart (Exodus 7:3) such that Pharaoh would not change. Pharaoh would…
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My Mind Won’t Stay on Jesus

As I read my daily devotion and its accompanying Scripture, unrelated thoughts crept in.  Why is my laptop not holding its charge?  I shook myself and turned my attention to the…