Check Myself

Every place I have worked held food and toy drives during the November-December holiday season. Often prizes were offered to incentivize us to bring as many items as possible. My competitive self wanted to win, not for the prize necessarily, but for the recognition. I wanted the acknowledgement of being the employee who gave the most – I was the #1 donor. Why? While I did (and do) want to help those in need, I really wanted to be the winner.

In hindsight, I realize that my desire for glory superseded my desire to help others. Jesus said, “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them.” (Matthew 6:1 NIV) Jesus further admonished to “give in secret.” (Matthew 6:3-4 NIV) My craving to win and be recognized for winning was not in accordance with Jesus’ admonition. Obviously my intent was not God-focused; I needed to check my intentions.

Beyond ensuring that my giving is in accordance with God’s word, I want to ensure all of my actions and intentions are God-focused. When I write, is it for my glory or to be an inspiration for others? When I volunteer, is it because God wants me to help those in need or do I feel obligated? When I agree to participate, am I seeking star recognition or am I using my gifts for the glory of God?

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? (Galatians 1:10 NIV)

This Scripture from the apostle Paul is perfect for me to check myself. I use that simple question— “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?”—to examine my motives. Now when I volunteer or acquiesce to a request or start a venture, I ask myself, “Who gets the glory? Whom am I serving?” These simple questions allow me to check my intentions.

You may ask, “What does it matter as long as I give or volunteer?” For me, it matters because I want my actions and intentions to align with God’s Word. And I pray that you want the same. Paraphrasing Matthew 16:26, what good is it for me to garner recognition from the whole world yet lose my soul. Intentions matter. I want to help…I want to use my gifts…I want to volunteer, because it is my way of honoring God. It is my prayer that what I am doing is fulfilling God’s will for me.

Am I volunteering for external reward from man or God’s reward? Am I saying yes to the request because I want approval from man or God? Is what I am doing glorifying myself or God? By pausing to check myself first, I can move forward with the peace of knowing I am serving Christ. I check myself so that God, not me, gets the glory.

Reflect: What is your intention when you volunteer or donate? How do you check yourself?


  1. Dr. Charlotte Sydnor

    Thank you for this timely meditation to remind us to check ourselves and our motives! Blessings!

  2. Tanya

    Thank you for sharing your gifts in the written form and in your service to our class. I know personally hat you give because it will serve a greater purpose. I always try to serve others as well. Thanks again for your contributions for God and helping others.

  3. Rev. Andra Hoxie

    The best exegesis I have ever read on Galatians 1:10, one of my favorite scriptures. God bless you!

    • Bri

      Thanks for leading me to Gal 1:10

  4. WDD

    Thanks for this food for thought. Executing checkpoint WDD now

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