
six blocks with the letters C H A N C E. The C is being rotated to a G, from chance to change.

Have you ever heard a song or sermon, read a Scripture or article and instantly knew the Holy Spirit was speaking directly to you? It was that moment when your eyes were opened to your wrongdoing. That moment when you were convicted by God.

I vividly remember one such moment. On a Sunday morning, I was driving to church hurt and angry about a recent situation. As I drove, I reran the cause of my anger which, of course, made me angrier. Each replay had me more justified in my anger. During this drive to Sunday morning service, I exclaimed, “I will never forgive that person!” And wouldn’t you know it; that Sunday’s sermon was based on Ephesians 4:26-32, a Scripture about anger and forgiveness. On top of that, it was first Sunday, which was Communion Sunday – a sacred ritual that requires me to be in love and charity with my neighbor. I was mortified. I had been convicted.

I had always wondered what someone meant when they said they had been convicted by God. The word “convict” and its derivatives had a negative and scary connotation for me: people in jail, wrongdoers, courts, judgement, sentencing. But as a person of faith who is imperfect, I am a wrongdoer. The court of God’s law will judge me and pass sentence. However, as a person who believes in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, I have a chance of restoration and an opportunity to change.

In John 16:8, the apostle tells me:

And He, when He comes, will convict the world about [the guilt of] sin [and the need for a Savior], and about righteousness, and about judgment.


The “He” referred to is the Holy Spirit. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit convicts me of sin. The Holy Spirit shines a spotlight on my sinful thought, word, or deed. Without that conviction, I would continue in that sinful way.

2 Corinthians 7:10 assures me that:

For [godly] sorrow that is in accord with the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation.


When the Holy Spirit convicts me, I can ask for forgiveness and seek restoration in my relationship with God. My repentance brings me to salvation.

Conviction of sin is God’s way of inviting you [me] to restore fellowship with Him.

author unknown

With my new understanding of conviction, I am so happy that God loves me enough to open my eyes to what I am doing wrong. I am thankful of the conviction of the Holy Spirit. That conviction is my opportunity to U-turn from that sinful course. Moreover, I am blessed that the Sacrificial Lamb made it possible for me to repent and be saved. Conviction is my chance to change.

Reflect: How have you been convicted by the Holy Spirit? What steps did you take to restore your relationship with God?


  1. Rev. Andra Hoxie

    Wonderful, inspirational word that invites us to pause and reflect. In this season, and every season, this devotional reminds us that we can always recalibrate because of Jesus and God’s Holy Spirit. God bless you for sharing so transparently!

  2. Will

    Everyday I am confronted with situations that either afford me the opportunity give and forgive or get upset and my heart is hardened. I am learning that life is so much more less stressful when I forgive and give even more.

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