Following the Path

When I go walking on a trail, my goal is time and speed. On a paved trail, I aim for an average pace of 14:50-15:30 minutes per mile. On a natural trail, my goal is 15:50-16:50 minutes per mile—slower to avoid tripping or falling over the roots and rocks.

I went to one of my favorite parks this morning. This park has 11 trails, yet I have only traversed the longest one which follows the park’s perimeter. But today my spirit was heavy, and I needed a change. I decided to explore the other trails and not focus on speed. This allowed me to contemplate my feelings and to commune with God.

That green rectangle painted on the tree is a blaze.

Following a new trail when the ground is completely covered with fallen leaves can be scary and challenging. The path, and the surrounding ground, look very similar; if I was not careful, I could stray off the trail. Fortunately, whenever I felt unsure, I spotted a trail blaze which reassured me that I was on the path. Seeing the blazes boosted my confidence.

I also relied on my sense of touch to stay on the path. The ground on either side of the path was softer and more cushiony covered with thick layers of pine needles and leaves. If I walked a few steps on this cushioned ground, I knew I was off the path. I needed to stop, survey my surroundings, and change direction.

Yes, there is a definite, single trail here.

Those periodic blazes and the occasional step on softer ground reminded me that I have guidance for my life’s path. God has provided “a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105 NIV). His Word serves as my blazes. When I am feeling lost…adrift…unsure, my God will guide me, if I seek Him. “Just a little talk with Jesus” or time alone with my Bible can highlight the right path. If I stray from the path, God will signal me to stop and reconsider what I am doing, if I am in tune with His voice. Just as I had to search for those trail blazes, I must pursue God if I want His direction. Just as the change in ground texture indicated I was off the path, I must be attuned to God’s voice to recognize the signs when I have veered from God’s path for me.

Following God’s path for my life requires faith that He will blaze my trail. It requires trust when I feel unsure. It requires obedience when He signals a redirection.

Reflection: In your daily activities, what reminds you that God will lead you when you seek His direction? Will you follow where He guides you?

1 Comment

  1. WDD

    You are right on point with this blog. Sooooo many times in the past and currently I have heard and hear voices in my head (and I am not quite going insane) or get mental nudges to get up and do or take a different route to a place or space. These I always take as a sign that I am not quite where I need to be and my ongoing mission is being fulfilled on step and moment at a time. Just like taking the time to read and reflect on the messages in your blogs. Your words are not being lost for sure.

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