
The recent events in the United States remind me of the Exodus. God told Moses that He would harden Pharaoh’s heart (Exodus 7:3) such that Pharaoh would not change. Pharaoh would not allow the Israelites to leave, not even to offer sacrifices. In fact, he increased the workload on them. The Israelites cried out their sufferings to God.

It seems as if the current leader of the U.S. has a hardened heart. Although he holds a Bible in his hand, his actions do not seem as if he reads that Book. Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV) says

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

This president shows little sign of humility or contrition.  He has done little to mitigate the strife in this country; in fact, his words continually stir up the flames. And I accuse those who support and execute this leader’s plans of being complicit in the turmoil that is occurring today, much as Pharaoh’s overseers did. As I read the Bible, I continually found analogies between then and today.

But, is that why I am to read the Scripture? To find justification for accusing and blaming others? Or, is it to understand and build my relationship with God? So, I reread Exodus 7:3 with a focus on myself. Has my heart been hardened? What have I ignored? Whom have I injured? What harm have I caused? Am I complicit with any unrighteousness? I once read that the characteristic that you complain the most about in someone else (He’s always interrupting. She never responds timely.) may be the one characteristic you need to examine in yourself. If I am finding fault with a leader’s hardened heart, that may be a signal that I need to examine my own heart.

I will continue to pray for a healed nation. For a nation that values its citizens. For a nation of justice. For a leader who understands his job is to represent all the people of this country, not just the group who kowtows to his whim. But I will also pray for myself, for a soft heart. I pray that the Lord examines me and brings to my attention that which has hardened my heart, so that I may confess and be made whole. I pray that God helps me soften my heart. I pray that my actions will be pleasing in His sight.

Reflection:  Is there some characteristic you are finding fault with in someone else? Could that be a “fault” in your life? Pray that God examines you and brings to your attention any aspects of a hardened heart.

originally posted June 8, 2020