They Were Human

I was always incredulous that many great persons in the Bible, the ones I have read about since early Sunday School, asked for or received signs from God and wanted…

Taming My Tongue

As I reclined in the dentist’s chair with my mouth agape, the dental hygienist cleaned my teeth. She used her dental inspection mirror to examine areas of my mouth not…

Check Myself

Every place I have worked held food and toy drives during the November-December holiday season. Often prizes were offered to incentivize us to bring as many items as possible. My…

Would You If You Knew

I recently had a conversation with a friend about her son. After months of anguish, prayer, and much planning, her son’s efforts for his family finally met with success. But…

Reclaim Joy

As I listened to a sermon about “JOY,” my thoughts turned to how I could reclaim my joy. Joy comes from being in sync with the Lord. By obeying God’s…

Jonah-The Adult Version

Noah's Ark Often children’s Bible stories are cartoonishly illustrated, presumably to get their attention. One such image I remember from my childhood is Jonah inside the whale. What I remember…


It does a spirit good. The most powerful commercials leave me with an image or song or slogan that is timeless. I may be dating myself, but I still remember…