Plugging Into Inspiration’s Divine Source

Before I boarded the train for the first leg of my Southeast Asia trip, my daughter prayed over me. In that prayer, she asked God to give me inspiration. I took that to mean inspiration for my writing—new blog posts … my book … new steps forward.

The trip was amazing. I was humbled by the sacred places I visited. In awe of the spectacular vistas. Blessed by the kindness of the people. Challenged by new foods – unexpectedly spicy foods. Obliged to ride on the back of a scooter – with no helmet. But my daughter’s prayer lingered on my mind. What would be my inspiration? When would I be inspired?

Not Inspired

I waited for those inspired AHA moments during my trip, but none came. My traveling companions expressed deep emotion after some of those experiences. Often, I just “went through the motions” of the activity but was not deeply moved by it. I appreciated the experience. Respected those who provided the experience. Intrigued by the traditions and beliefs. Enjoyed participating. But I was not moved or inspired by the experiences.

Definition – Inspiration

What is inspiration? According to Merriam-Webster, an inspiration is:

  • “a divine influence or action on a person”
  • “the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions” [1]

Plug In

One morning, I suddenly realized what was missing. I had neglected to engage the first part of that definition—the divine influence. Inspiration is a gift from God. To receive that gift, I should have plugged into the source – God. Yes, I continually gave thanks for

  • safe travels—if you know me, you know I am not a fan of flying.
  • each new day.
  • this opportunity to travel with great travel companions.

But I had not taken the time to simply ask God for inspiration. I had not plugged into the Divine, asking Him to influence and act upon me. One of my favorite Scriptures, Jeremiah 33:3, specifically asks for inspiration, and I neglected to pray that Scripture during this trip. SMH

God Knows My Type

I was told that God speaks to me the way He made me. I am analytical and need to understand the context and meaning to fully appreciate and engage. I need background information, to know the whys and whatnots. Without plugging into God for inspiration, His explanatory guidance was absent. Trying to reason and understand without plugging in probably dammed my inspiration.

Inspiration Comes

First and foremost, I am reminded to pray Jeremiah 33:3 every day. This writer, or any creative, needs constant inspiration; thus, it is imperative to plug into God.

Since returning, I have a newfound thirst to learn and understand world religions and interfaith connectedness—the answers to the whys and whatnots. Maybe that was to be (and is) my inspiration. Or maybe, reminding myself to plug into the Divine influencer for inspiration is the inspiration. Regardless, to be inspired, we must plug into God.


Where is your creativity stuck? When did you last plug into the Divine source of creativity and inspiration? Where do you need God’s inspiration?

Related Posts: AHA

[1] Dictionary, s.v. “inspiration,” accessed August 19, 2024,


  1. Rev. Andra Hoxie

    I love this one.

    • Bri

      Thank you. You know it was you who told me God speaks to each of us in the way He made us.

  2. Stewardess Holmes

    Wow you really give me a way to remove myself and plug in to God of the unknown and not rely on self control. Wow I Absolutely love this plug into.👏

  3. Beverly A Henderson

    Thank you for this one, too, Sabrina. I am favored by it in that it is a stimulus for deeper thought – exploration – for me. I will remember to “plug in to God” for further discernment. Thanks again, Sweet Niece.

    • Bri

      Yes, I have to remind myself to plug in before stepping out.

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