Psalm 51: From Restoration to Transformation

David’s Sins

Psalm 51 is King David’s plea to God to restore him to favor. David had committed some grievous sins—just like we all do. He coveted another man’s wife (God said: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.); committed adultery with her (God said: Thou shalt not commit adultery.); and then contrived to have the husband murdered (God said: Thou shalt not murder.).

David’s Restoration->Transformation

After God chastised David through the prophet Nathan, David prayed. He sought restoration with God. Restoration means to return to an original state. David’s original state is of a man that God had chosen. A man that God “sought after His own heart.[1]” A man deemed by God worthy to rule over His people. I propose that David’s Psalm 51 prayer asks God to restore him to that place in God’s heart. That prayer sought God’s transformative power.

Our Transformation

Asking for forgiveness is more than just admitting guilt (Lord, forgive me for I have sinned). It involves repentance—asking the Most High to transform me so that I can continue in my restored state. This Godly transformation creates a new being in Christ in which my old sinful self passes away and a new creation is born.[2] Restoration leads to transformation.

A Look at Psalm 51

Psalm 51 provides me with a template that leads me from restoration to transformation. This is my interpretation of David’s prayer.

Final Thoughts

When my daughter was a young praise dancer, one of my favorite dances was “Take My Life (Holiness)” written by Scott Underwood and sung by Donnie McClurkin. The lyrics of that song ask the Lord to conform, transform, and mold me into the person He needs. But it also asks to be broken by the Lord. It is when I am broken, i.e. repentant, and seeking restoration that I can then be transformed to His will.


Write your own prayer of restoration and transformation.

Related Posts: Cleansing

                        Stepping into Forgiveness

                        Be It Resolved

[1] 1 Samuel 13:14

[2] 2 Corinthians 5:17


  1. Janet Boone

    Hi Sabrina, I enjoyed reading this post. We have a lot to be thankful for, and to be glad we have an understanding God who can forgive us of the many sins we have committed. I love the title of this post because it speaks volume. Keep of the good works that God has given you.

    • Bri

      Thank You Janet. I do thank God for the inspiration to share His Word.

  2. Beverly A Henderson

    Sabrina, The AMEC Sunday school lesson for Sunday (October 6) uses Psalm 51 as its study verses. We really had a lively and wonderful discussion as we studied it tonight. The uses of the words sin, transgressions, and iniquity and their places in repentance (and restoration) contributed much to our discussion. I loved it and I am cherishing your input on David’s heartfelt plea to our LORD. Thank you.

    • Bri

      WOW. I just looked at it. Isn’t it amazing how one Scripture text can inspire in different ways.

  3. Paulette Holmes

    Sister Sabrina I love the reading of this post. Because I has having a fight with giving in at a younger part my life. But I had two woman that was placed in my life which I had no clue of why? But the Lord Did. The two Ladies placed to restored and let me know it’s ok to let it go was Rev. Christian and Rev. Uzzle. Also just to let you know, the Apple Don’t Fall Far From The Tree 😁. Thanks So Much for helping me to keeping my mind into thinking as Jesus would😘

    • Bri

      Sister Paulette, they were two of my favorite women as well, especially Rev. Christian. 🙂

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