Reclaim Joy

an excited woman with the word JOY

As I listened to a sermon about “JOY,” my thoughts turned to how I could reclaim my joy. Joy comes from being in sync with the Lord. By obeying God’s commands, I remain in Jesus’ love and receive His joy.

“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:10-11 NIV)

For Jesus’ joy to be in me, I need to ensure I am able to receive it. How can I reclaim my joy? I must first make room for joy. There is “stuff” in my life that is counter to God’s commands. I need to get rid of that stuff.

  • Release bitterness and anger. These emotions, and the often negative actions/reactions fueled by them, are opposite of God’s command to love my neighbor as myself. Holding onto anger and bitterness erodes me physically (heartburn), mentally (singularly focused on revenge), and spiritually (separation from God). These emotions have no place in this temple of God. (Ephesians 4:31) Let it go.
  • Recognize what is not in my control. As much as I would love to have people do exactly what I tell them when I tell them, I do not have that power. I constantly remind myself that I can only control me. Trying to control someone else (or thinking that I can control someone else) can cause stress, yet another unproductive, physically harmful emotion. In other words, I should mind my own business. (1 Thessalonians 4:11) Let it go.
  • Rebuke negativity. I cannot allow negative thoughts—such as, “I can’t.” or “I’m not qualified.”—to overwhelm me. Negativity will not define me. Instead, my words and thoughts should be God-inspired. (Psalm 19:14) Additionally, I cannot allow negative people to pollute me. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Neither negativity from internal nor external sources belong in my life. Let it, let them, go.
  • Remove clutter. Do I need that thing? Is all that I own necessary? Am I using what I already have? Have I surrounded myself with people who live by God’s commands? Is that person bringing positivity to others and me? Is what I am doing fulfilling a need or helping someone? Is what I am doing feeding my soul? If I answer no, then that thing or person or activity may be clutter. Clutter is disorder, and disorder is not of God. (1 Corinthians 14:33) Let it, let them, go.

Letting go brings relief and calm. Letting go opens room for joy to take root. But that is not all. Now, I must also remain in God to maintain my joy.

  • Respect God’s authority in my life. As the King of all the earth (Ps 47:7), God has complete sovereignty. As the hymnist wrote: “King of my life, I crown Thee now. Thine shall the glory be.” As King of my life, His will rules. I need to listen and obey.
  • Receive what God has planned for me. I need to be ready and willing to do as God bids knowing that He will make me able. Every Bible story describes how God enables those He chooses to accomplish the chosen task. If He calls me, He will prepare me.
  • Renew my faith daily. As I wrote before, my relationship with God requires me to be fully involved. Not once. Not every now and then. Always. As I come near to God, He comes near to me. (James 4:8)
  • Retain the best of myself. I am created in the image of God, so within me I have goodness, light, truth, compassion, love, and joy. With Christ by my side, with the Holy Spirit indwelling within me, with God leading me, the best of me can fulfill God’s plan for my life.

By seeking God and remaining in His will, I maintain my joy. Obeying God’s commands ensures that Jesus’ joy is in me and that joy is made complete.

Reflect: What is keeping you from the joy of Jesus? What must you rid yourself of so Jesus can fill you with His joy? What are you doing to maintain that joy?


  1. Rev. Dr. Charlotte Sydnor

    John 15:10-11 has been one my go to scriptures through the years. Thank you for providing steps in finding JOY in Christ by having love for others. During this Advent Season, I love hear and sing the song, “Joy to the World!”

  2. WDD

    I have been slowly removing people and things that cause me stress from my life. I am working hard NOT to allow new people or things that cause stress to become a part of my life. As you have stated, with these things removed I feel MUCH better and MORE whole.

  3. Regina Forrest

    JOY has been my theme this week personally and professionally. Of course I can’t and don’t talk about Jesus at work but I can talk about the things that makes one feel joy like the joy of helping others, giving to others, and of course receiving from others. Thank you for the confirmation that JOY was the right choice this week for my morning meetings.

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