God’s Grace?

"God’s grace." I hear that, or similarly the “grace of God,” in prayers, during sermons, or while reading the Bible. I have heard it so often that it has become…


The office I most prefer holding in my organization is recording secretary. Recording secretary has just enough power and responsibility for my liking. I do not have to preside unless…


Truth Table My mother was adamant about me taking every math class available during my junior- and senior-high school years, even when I had enough credits to graduate. It started…

They Were Human

I was always incredulous that many great persons in the Bible, the ones I have read about since early Sunday School, asked for or received signs from God and wanted…
stock photo of excited woman


As a teacher and trainer, I live for those moments when my learners “get it”…that moment when they understand whatever I’m explaining; when the lightbulb clicks on in their brains…