
The quickest way to lose my respect, and possibly my friendship, is to act, usually selfishly, and then say, “It was easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.” When Admiral…


I just returned from a New Year’s renewal retreat hosted by Althea Lawton-Thompson. I received an “I AM” journal as part of my retreat goodies. Through guided reflection and prayer,…


The office I most prefer holding in my organization is recording secretary. Recording secretary has just enough power and responsibility for my liking. I do not have to preside unless…


Truth Table My mother was adamant about me taking every math class available during my junior- and senior-high school years, even when I had enough credits to graduate. It started…


It does a spirit good. The most powerful commercials leave me with an image or song or slogan that is timeless. I may be dating myself, but I still remember…
my sticky note with Proverbs 16:3

Taming the Dog

Last night I had a nightmare: a big, black, mastiff-like dog was snarling and growling at me. It was intimidating me, you know, like the thug who “gets all up…