What About You?

As the choir and congregation sing the song, "Somebody Prayed for Me," the lead singer will substitute “somebody” with a specific person, such as grandmother, the preacher, or my mother.…

In My Present

The verse of the day was Psalm 25:14-15. I kinda knew the context but decided to read the entire chapter for certainty. Verse 1 stopped me: "To you, O Lord,…

My Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer was one of the first pieces of literature I memorized. By the time I was 4 or 5, I could recite it. How about you? Sometimes, when…


One of my favorite movies is My Cousin Vinny. One of the scenes I love is when defense attorney, Vinny Gambini, debunks the testimony of one of the prosecution’s witnesses…

Slow My Roll

I sat in my DND meditation chair for my time of communion with God. I was excited about exploring a new topic. I opened my Bible to the passage I…