God’s Grace?

"God’s grace." I hear that, or similarly the “grace of God,” in prayers, during sermons, or while reading the Bible. I have heard it so often that it has become…


The person praying the invocation prayer paraphrased Jeremiah 33:3, one of my favorite devotional scriptures. Surprisingly, I was annoyed that the person used my favorite scripture. Let me repeat that:…

What About You?

As the choir and congregation sing the song, "Somebody Prayed for Me," the lead singer will substitute “somebody” with a specific person, such as grandmother, the preacher, or my mother.…


I participated in a 7-day cleanse[1], which included fasting from media between 5 p.m.-9 a.m. That was 16 hours without email, radio, television, news, music, phone calls, or texts (barring…

In My Present

The verse of the day was Psalm 25:14-15. I kinda knew the context but decided to read the entire chapter for certainty. Verse 1 stopped me: "To you, O Lord,…