To Be A Living Sanctuary

The praise song, “Sanctuary,” has been on an endless loop in my mind this past month.[1] What message is God sending? What is a “living sanctuary?”

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 is the Scripture that has the closest relationship to the lyrics of “Sanctuary.”

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NRSVUE

Sanctuary = Temple

A sanctuary is God’s temple. It is God’s dwelling place. Holy. Sacred. Consecrated. Paul wrote that my “body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” within me (1 Cor 6:19). I ask, “Is my sanctuary prepared for God’s presence within?”

To answer “Yes,” I must ensure my temple is worthy to host God. I must dedicate my heart, mind, soul, and body to God. As the living dwelling place of God, I must honor and revere Him. I must welcome Him into my temple with praise and thanksgiving. And just as any good host would do, I must clean my sanctuary often, i.e. repent and seek forgiveness.

Sanctuary = Refuge

But a sanctuary is also a refuge. A refuge is a place where others can find safety. Shelter. Rest. Comfort. If I have prepared my temple as a dwelling place for God, I will “not neglect to do good and to share what [I] have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (Heb 13:16). I ask, “Is my sanctuary prepared to do good?”

To answer “Yes,” I must dedicate my heart, mind, soul, and body to doing God’s work here on earth. As a living sanctuary, I must be one who offers aid to those who require help. Support for those who need consolation. Provisions for those who are without. I must be willing to do what God needs doing.

Sanctuary Care

I declare that I am a living sanctuary ready to host God within to do God’s work out in the world. I will care for my sanctuary because I do not want God to destroy it. I will nourish my sanctuary with God’s Word and nutritious foods and water. I will strengthen my sanctuary with prayer and exercise. I will refresh my sanctuary with meditation and rest.

Sanctuary to host God’s presence. Sanctuary to offer succor to others. I give thanks that I can be a living sanctuary for God.


If you have not done so, click the link in the footnote and read the lyrics for “Sanctuary.” What are you doing to ensure your living sanctuary is prepared for and by God?

[1] If you are unfamiliar with the song, here is a link to the lyrics.


  1. Stewardess Holmes

    Yes this is a great way to get out of self and clean up to have a place so the Lord can enter. So we can become a living sanctuary. Amen🙏🏽. Thank you so much. Your meditation really helps me 🤓

    • Bri

      Thank you. We do want to be a place where God enters in and uses us.

  2. Ikiea Sherry

    Awesome reflection reminder of how to properly steward my body, mind, and spirit.

    • Bri

      AHA – we must be good stewards over our living sanctuary. Excellent observation

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