Written in the Book of Life

As I read the book of Nehemiah, I was awestruck by the individual and family names that were listed throughout its 13 chapters:

  • Chapter 3–the rebuilders of the gates and city wall around Jerusalem
  • Chapter 7–a census of families who had returned from their exile
  • Chapter 8–those Levites who were teaching the postexilic Jews the Mosaic law
  • Chapter 10–the signers of the binding agreement
  • Chapters 11 & 12–those who repopulated Jerusalem

I thought, “How honored to have your name printed in the Bible for thousands of generations to read.” I am sure those Israelites circa 445 BC had no idea that I would be reading their names in 2021 AD. It is a testament of their obedience to God during the rebuilding of God’s physical home in Jerusalem and His spiritual home in their lives. Here is a wonderful example of people doing good works because it is right in the eyes of our Lord and not for self-aggrandizement.

My name has also appeared in print, in such places as a graduation program, an agenda as a program participant, an electronic welcome banner, and a brochure listing my organization’s members. My name does appear in my Bible, but only on the “This Bible belongs to ______” page. 😊 My name has also appeared on important documents denoting my approval or acceptance of a transaction. However, those instances where my name has been recorded do not reflect the ultimate place where I want my name to appear. You see, there is just one place that my name must appear and be written permanently—the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE.

Remember me with favor, my God.

Nehemiah 13:31 (NIV)

In Revelation 21, the apostle John describes God’s new Jerusalem. God and Jesus serve as the temple in that city, shining their glorious light for all. But it is the last verse in that chapter that inspires me to continually seek the Lord: “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” (21:27 NIV-emphasis added) I want to reside in that beautiful city with God. I want my name written in that book. Thus, it is up to me to choose not to do that which is “shameful or deceitful” in the eyes of God. It is up to me to choose to follow the path that God has prepared for me. However, because I am imperfect, it is up to me to choose to earnestly repent and seek God’s restoration when I do go astray. I want my name written in the Book of Life with indelible permanent marker. When all is said and done, I simply pray Nehemiah’s closing prayer: “Remember me with favor, my God.” (Nehemiah 13:31 NIV)

Reflection: What do you do to ensure your name is written in that Book? Have you done something that would cause God to erase your name from the Lamb’s Book of Life? Have you sought restoration?


  1. WDD

    I have done things that God would not approve of. I do want my name also to be written in the Lamb’s Book Of Life.

  2. Calvin H. Sydnor III

    A wonderful and inspiring devotional! I also want my name to be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!

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